FRANKENSTEIN (by Mary Shelley) Informations and Analysis

6:29:00 AM Sarah Moniva 0 Comments


          ‘Frankenstein’.  When I hear the name Frankenstein, all I think about is that greenish monster with stitches in its head and ripped clothes which is usually worn as costume during Halloween or at Halloween parties. I was wrong! When I started reading the novel, whenever I come across that name, I associate it with the monster. Later on, I realized that Frankenstein is the creator. Maybe they named the monster after its creator since it’s unnamed. Since then, I already heard the name Frankenstein a lot and even saw him (the monster) in movies. I got curious about what his story is all about, but wasn’t able to fill my curiosity. But now, I was.

         I love the novel so much. At first I was like, “When will I finish reading this book?”, it was like a burden to me because I’m not really into reading novels, but when I almost finished the book (Volume3 Chapter 6), half of me is excited to finish it but the other half was like “Is it the end already? No!”  Although sometimes I find it hard to understand the words Shelley used, I still find it such a great work of art. 

A Short Information About the Author:

               Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born on 30 August 1797 in London, England, the second daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), feminist and author of A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) and William Godwin (1756-1836) father of philosophical anarchism and author of An Inquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793). Mary met her future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) around the age of sixteen when he became acquainted with her atheist father and his philosophy, which he soon adopted.
                She had started writing Frankenstein in 1816 while in Switzerland, inspired by their many sailing trips on the lake and nights telling each other ghost stories. A second daughter named Clara was born in 1817 but she died a year later.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley died at home in London at the age of fifty-four on 1 February 1851. She lies buried in St. Peter’s churchyard in Bournemouth, Dorset, England.

Biography written by C.D. Merriman for Jalic Inc. Copyright Jalic Inc. 2006.


  •     Victor Frankenstein – He is the oldest of the Frankensteins, and the creator of the monster.
  •     Elizabeth Lavenza – She is Victor’s cousin/wife.
  •     Alphonse Frankenstein - He is the father of Victor, William and Earnest.
  •     Caroline Beaufor t- She is the mother of Victor.
  •     Beaufort - He is a close friend of Alphonse, and Caroline’s father.
  •     Justine Moritz - A servant of the Frankenstein who was accused of William’s death
  •     William -He is the younger brother of Victor who was killed by the monster created by Victor.
  •     Earnest -He is the younger brother of Victor and the only one who survived in the novel.
  •     Henry Clerval-He is a friend/ school mate of Victor. Later on, Victor was accused as his murderer.
  •     Mr. Krempe - He is a professor in University of Ingolstadt who find Victor’s previous study a waste of time.
  •     Mr. Waldman - He is a professor in University of Ingolstadt who supported Victor in his study of ‘Natural Philosophy’.
  •     Mr. Kirwin - He is an Irish magistrate who helped Victor be freed from accusations.
  •     Robert Walton - He is the first character who appeared in the novel. He rescued Victor and heard his stories.
  •     De Lacey - He is the blind man who lived in a cottage, the monster learned many things by observing his family.
  •     Felix - He is the son of De Lacey who attacked the monster
  •     Agatha - She is the daughter of De Lacey and sister of Felix
  •     Safie - She is Felix’s lover.

  • Russia
  • Geneva
  • Switzerland
  • Italy
  • Ingolstadt
  • Lake Como
  • Montavert


  •     Exposition- Victor Frankenstein shared his family’s background. She had a cousin named Elizabeth and friend named Henry.
  •     Rising Action – Victor got interested with Natural Philosophy. His parents send him to the University of Ingolstadt, where he focused on his study. He rapidly excelled in his field. He worked on finding life out of nothing and forgets his own and his family.
  •     Climax – Victor created a monster, and rejected it. Out of anger, his creation made his revenge by killing the people who are close to him. The monster shared his tale to Victor and asked Victor to make him a female companion.
  •     Falling Action – Victor agrees but then destroyed his work in front of the monster. The monster continued his revenge until Victor was left with nothing.
  •     Resolution- Victor promised to take revenge and followed the monster. He failed to finish his mission, but asked his friend Robert Walton to kill the monster.
  •     Denouement- Victor died, and the monster came, but Robert Walton wasn’t able to kill the monster. The monster ran away.


Victor Frankenstein created a creator, but then he left it because it was hideous.


  •     Family, Society, Isolation
  •     Ambition and Fallibility
  •     Romanticism and Nature
  •     Revenge
  •     Prejudice
  •     Lost Innocence


  •     Light symbolizes enlightenment
  •     Fire appears throughout the novel as a dangerous force used for sustenance (as when the monster discovers fire) and punishment (as when the monster describes demons suffering in the lake of fire in hell).


  •     danger of knowledge;
  •     obsession
  •      revenge


Volume 1

In the beginning of the novel, Robert Walton wrote four letters to his sister, Margaret, about his journey and his urge to find a friend, which afterwards, he did.

Chapter 1

Frankenstein shared some information about him. His father, how his father met his mother, his birth and their trip, how Elizabeth became his cousin, and more about their family. It is obvious that Frankenstein loves his family so much. I think Mary Shelley want to emphasize the importance of family because of all, she started with it.

Chapter 2

More of Frankenstein childhood is stated here. He gets along with his cousin Elizabeth though they don’t share the same interest. Frankenstein introduced us to his friend/ schoolmate Henry Clerval who had the same ambition as him: to leave a mark in human history. Clerval is into writing stage plays while Frankenstein is into Natural Philosophy. Frankenstein studied more about Natural Philosophy and became more interested with it.

Chapter 3

Frankenstein’s parents decided to send him to the University of Ingolstadt. His misfortunes started here. Elizabeth had caught scarlet fever and passed it on to Frankenstein’s mother. Her mother died, and her dying wish is for him to marry Elizabeth. He then bid his goodbyes to his family and friend Clerval. In Ingolstadt, he met Mr. Krempe who told him that his previous study was a waste of time, and Mr. Waldman, who supports his plan.

Chapter 4

Frankenstein studied  more about Natural Philosophy. He ignores his self and his family, not even sending them a letter. He rapidly progressed in this field. Until such time, he wished to createlife out og nothing. He started with one experiment, spending his time in his laboratory, hoping for a creature that would honor him as its creator.

Chapter 5
Months of hard work passed by and he was successful, but his creature is not what he expected. He was horrified by it so he ran away from his apartment. He got ill but still he went out for he cannot sleep because of his nightmares with the monster. He wanders and runs into Clerval, who will study in Ingolstadt. Clerval nursed him and sent Victor’s family a letter. Clerval then received a reply from Elizabeth.

Chapter 6

Clerval gave the letter to Victor. Elizabeth updated Victor with the happenings and that Justine, a former servant, is now staying with them. Victor introduced Clerval to his professors but then gave up his studies. Instead, he studied with Clerval. Later in this chapter, Victor and Clerval travelled back to Geneva and they toured around Germany which somehow  raised Victor’s spirits.

Chapter 7

When Victor returned to Geneva, he received a letter from his father. It is stated in the letter that his brother, William, was murdered. Victor and Clerval rushed to Geneva, and Victor decided to visit the spot where William was found dead. There, he saw his creature and blames his self for he is the one who created such creature who killed his brother. On the next day, his brother Earnest, informs him that Justine was accused as the murderer. He told his family that Justine is innocent and that he is confident that Justine won’t be judged guilty.

Chapter 8

Victor wanted to confess, but he couldn’t. Justine remained innocent at the trial but wasn’t able to explain why he got William’s portrait of his mother in her pocket. Later, Justine confessed doing it. She was pressured by the jailors and that she wanted to leave the bitter world. Victor felt guilty of his role in William and Justine’s death.

Volume 2

Chapter 1

Victor is in deep pain because Justine died while he is alive. His father observed him and argued that it’s not only him who’s in pain and that they should refrain from augmenting their happiness by an appearance of moderate grief. They then went to their house in Belrive. After all, Victor still thought of leaving the bitter world and thought of revenge. Later, Victor travelled to Chamonix , France. The sights gave him happiness, but it did not last.

Chapter 2

Still, Victor felt despair. He tried to enjoy himself with the beautiful sights. He climbs to the peak of the mountain called Montavert. Just as he is already enjoying, his creature came up and ask him to listen to his tale. He followed his creature to a cave in the glacier, and sits down to listen.

Chapter 3

Victor’s creature started his tale. After he escaped from Victor’s apartment, he wanders the world without knowledge. He experienced cold, hunger, light, and dark. Soon as he realized that his appearance terrifies people, he avoided them instantly. He found his hiding place in the darkness near a cottage where he observed a family and secretly watch their daily works.

Chapter 4

The creature wished to sleep, but could not. The gentle manners of the family struck him and he wanted to be friends with them, but dared not to.  He learned that the father is blind, that the boy’s name is Felix while the girl’s name is Agatha and they communicate through sounds. He gathers wood for them at night to pay the food he ate. He went to a pool of water and realized why the people are afraid of his appearance, but then he is hopeful for the future.

Chapter 5

In this chapter, the creature said that the following scenes made him what he is. An Arabian woman named Safie came which brought the family happiness. He learned their language, along with Safie, by observing Felix’s tutorials. He learned about society and realized that he has no society of his own nor will he fit to any. He doesn’t even have a family that would take care of him.

Chapter 6

He learned the family’s history, the De Lacey’s. He also learned about Felix and Safies’s love story, learned about the family’s misfortunes and how they end up living in Italy. Safie’s journey to his lover was also stated.

Chapter 7

The family’s history impressed him. He found three books in the woods: Paradise Lost, a volume of Plutarch’s Lives, and the Sorrows of Werter. While reading the Paradise Lost, he compared himself to Satan because his creator doesn’t love him. Way back to his escape from Victor’s apartment, he took some journal entries and cursed Victor for creating him ugly. Later, he revealed his self to the blind man while the rest was away. Suddenly, they came back and Felix attacked him, so he ran away.

Chapter 8

On the next day, he came back to talk again to the blind man, but the De Lacey’s moved out. He saw Felix talking to the landlord and never seen any of them then. He lost his friends, for revenge, he burns the cottage and heads to Geneva for Victor. In his journey, he saved a girl from drowning but was only shot by his guardian. It took him a week to recover, and this made him angry and hungry for revenge. He found a little boy and was horrified by his looks. By hearing the boy said the name ‘Frankenstein’, he killed him. He went to a barn to rest, but saw a beautiful girl, so he put the picture he got from the boy in the girl’s pocket. In the last part of the chapter, he asked Victor to made him a Female companion.

Chapter 9

Here, the story is narrated again by Victor. Frankenstein at first refused to his creature’s request for he is afraid of the destruction they will make. His creature blamed him for all the things he did. The creature also promised that if he’ll make him his companion, they will flee to South America and avoid people. Frankenstein, with doubt , agreed. The creature told him that he will be monitoring the progress.

Volume 3

Chapter 1

Victor still doubt if he’ll make a companion for his creature. His father told him that only by marrying his cousin Elizabeth will his despair be gone. He told his father that he love no one but Elizabeth and he excused his trip to England in finding researches for his work to postpone the wedding. His father allowed him but that he must return immediately. Clerval then joins him in his journey.

Chapter 2

They arrived in London. Victor avoided contact with the people until he finds information for his work, while Clerval is excited to learn and is happy to meet everyone. They travelled to Scotland. Victor left Clerval to a friend and continued travelling alone. He went to an island in Orkney’s. There, he set up his laboratory and started working on his new creature.


Victor is in doubt again and thought that his new creature might not agree to what his creature promised to him or they might reproduce and create a family of devils. He saw his creature peeking at his window, so he destroyed his work. In anger, his creature went away for a while and came back, threatening him that he will be there in his wedding night. He was saddened by the thought that his creature might kill him in his wedding night and Elizabeth will be left without a companion. Later, he received a letter from Clerval, and so he went on to his journey, throwing his laboratory tools to the ocean. Though he had a rough journey, he was able to sleep in his boat. When he woke up the next morning, group of people were surrounding him angrily, suspecting him as a murderer. A man approached him and told him to come to Mr. Kirwin.


Victor meets Mr. Kirwin and many people witnessed that a boat like Victor’s came was seen last night and the man in that boat was the one responsible for the man’s death. Mr. Kirwin showed Victor the body and Victor was shocked by the sight of his friend’s, Clerval, dead body. He was sick for months but was taken cared by Mr. Kirwin by putting him in a nice cell and giving him a nurse. Victor was judged as not guilty with the help of Mr. Kirwin. He went home with his father to Geneva to protect his family from the monster.

Chapter 5

Victor and his father stopped in Paris in order for Victor to regain his strength. There, Victor received a letter from Elizabeth, confessing her love and desire to marry him. Victor remembered what his creature told him but he thought that if it kills him, at least he’s free. He replied to Elizabeth’s letter and told her that he can’t wait to marry her. After ten days of their arrival, their wedding took place. Victor and Elizabeth sail to Lake Como in Italy. Elizabeth tried to erase Victor’s grief, grief of seeing the monster.


When they arrived, Victor armed himself with pistols and told Elizabeth to go to bed for her safety.  As he checked the house, he heard Elizabeth screaming, so he went straight to their room, only seeing Elizabeth’s body. He saw the monster in his window and fired, but misses. He came back to Geneva and the news overwhelmed his father, who later died. Victor goes mad and was prisoned. He confessed his story to the magistrate, but he barely believed him.  He seeks revenge on his own.


Victor prepared an amount of money and some of his mother’s jewelry for he will leave Geneva, his beloved place, forever. He visits his family’s grave and promised to take revenge, and suddenly he the monster laughing at him. He tried to run after it, but it was gone. Victor, with the help of the clues his monster left, follows the monster northward into the frigid Arctic regions. He followed the monster with sleds and dogs in the frozen ocean but failed to. Now the narration of Robert Walton, continued. Walton rescued Victor. Victor knew that he’s dying, so he asked Walton to continue his mission. On the day of Victor’s death, the creature came but Walton wasn’t able to kill him or even tried to.

        - - -

         After reading the book, I learned four lessons.

          First, be contented. Being contented doesn’t mean not changing or improving, but wanting more than worldly things is not. His misfortunes started because he is not contented. Victor said, “Seek happiness in tranquility, and avoid ambition.’’ Well, I guess it is fine to be ambitious as long as you won’t set up a laboratory and try to make a creature you would then regret.

        Second, be careful what you’re wishing because you just might get it. Don’t wish for anything that you’ll regret afterwards. Victor was so excited with his experiment, but then rejects it after seeing the result.

         Third, don’t reject. Being rejected hurts so much. As what Confucius said, “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.” The monster felt so lonely and isolated, in revenge, he killed all the people who are close to Victor so that he’ll know how it feels.

         Lastly, finish what you’ve started. As the quote says, “Stop when you’re finish, not when you’re tired.” In the last chapter, Victor said these lines to the men in the ship: “Be steady to your purposes, and firm as a rock. This ice is not made of stuffs your heart may be; it is mutable, and cannot withstand you, if you say that it shall not.”, and “Return as heroes who have fought and conquered, and who know not what it is to turn their backs on the foe.”
